SKH Leung Kwai Yee Secondary School

Article provided by GETUTOR Hong Kong Tutors Association

聖公會梁季彜中學SKH Leung Kwai Yee Secondary School



A photo of SKH Leung Kwai Yee Secondary School


school location:觀塘區 › 九龍觀塘曉明街28號。school map.

School Category

Aided, coeducational, Christian; located in Kwun Tong District

There are 360 aided secondary schools in Hong Kong, accounting for about 78% of the total; there are 394 male and female secondary schools in Hong Kong, accounting for about 85% of the total; there are 153 Christian secondary schools in Hong Kong, accounting for about 33% of the total; Learn more:Middle school distribution chart.Detailed distribution of secondary schools in Hong Kong.

Founding history

Founded in 1978, school sponsoring body: Hong Kong Anglican Church

校訓:耶和華是我的亮光 The Lord Is My Light。school badge.

Teaching situation

The total number of teaching staff is 57; there are 4 classes in Form 1.

52 of them are within the approved establishment. The class numbers for Form 1 to Form 6 are: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. (Note: The following class structure refers to the number of classes that can be opened. Some schools will increase the original number of classes, but the number of students will remain unchanged.)

school year Number of teaching staff Class structure
All teachers Approved preparation total Secondary 1 Secondary 2 Secondary 3 Secondary 4 Secondary 5 Secondary 6
2016 56 48 24 4 4 4 4 4 4
2017 56 52 24 4 4 4 4 4 4
2018 57 52 24 4 4 4 4 4 4
2019 57 53 24 4 4 4 4 4 4
2020 58 53 24 4 4 4 4 4 4
2021 57 52 24 4 4 4 4 4 4
聖公會梁季彜中學師資結構2020/21 學年2021/22 學年全港中學教師教育文憑學士學士以上特殊教育培訓年資 0-4 年年資 5-9 年年資 10+ 年0255075100

Size comparison

The school has 24 classes and 57 teachers, with a class-teacher ratio of approximately 2.38

Compared with other 440 schools: the number of classes is more than that of 20% school, and there are similar schools of 62% and less than that of 18% school; the number of teachers is more than that of 28% school, there are similar schools of 16% but less than that of 56% school; the class-teacher ratio is more than that of 18% school , there are similar schools to 20% and fewer than 62% schools. (Statistics are based on school data in the 2021/2022 school year.Class total statistics chart.Teacher population statistics chart. )

Note: The number of classes, number of teachers and class-teacher ratio are not directly related to school quality. School size comparisons are for reference only.

School scale comparison chart: Less than this school. Close to this school. More classes than this school. Number of teachers. Class-teacher ratio 050100150200250300350400450

medium of instruction

The school uses Chinese as the main language of instruction

School-wide language policy:初中以中文為教學語言,增強學生學習效能。初中地理科以英語教授,並開辦跨學科英語科,透過以英語學習不同學科知識,增強學生英語能力。為提高學生的普通話水平,初中部分班別推行以普通話教中文。聘任英文教學助理,推動英語學習。學校積極推展境外考察、英語話劇、作家講座、書展、閱讀獎勵計劃及朗誦比賽,致力落實「兩文三語」政策。

learning and teaching strategies:實踐正面管教,加強學生的課堂參與,促進喜愛學習。積極推動專題研習、議題探究學習、跨學科教學、STEM教育、英語銜接課程及全方位學習活動,包括安排境外學習課程,藉以豐富學生的學習經驗。鼓勵學生閱讀及主動學習,提高學生兩文三語及資訊科技能力。於初中積極推行課程統整,開設生活與社會發展課程,並於初中跨學科英語、電腦、歷史及化學科設計校本教材。近年更推行議題探究學習及跨學科主題教學,讓學生融會不同學科知識。又透過專題研習培訓學生溝通、協作、研習、運用資訊科技等共通能力。安排親炙作家講座、晨讀樂及廣泛閱讀計劃,激發學生的閱讀興趣。中、英文科安排閱讀課,教導學生閱讀策略,提升學生閱讀能力及閱書數量,並運用校外資源,推動閱讀。

More information:Daexao website:Banding estimates of schools and details of high school medium of instruction ※ Band 2C–2B ※

Secondary One Admissions

Schools must admit students in accordance with the "Secondary School Place Allocation Method" of the Education Bureau

In the "Central Allocation Part B", the school network belongs to Kwun Tong District, so most of the students are from Kwun Tong District. According to the information circulated, some people estimate that some students are from Kwun Tong District. BAND 2 of Primary 6 graduates. For admission details, please see:Degree allocation method ,self-assigned degrees ,Centralized allocation of seats in middle schools.

The following is the distribution of school places at each stage in the 2022 high school placement allocation.Latest information:Distribution of places allocated for secondary school promotion in 2022.

Secondary One Degree self-assign Repeat degree Unified Department A Unified Part B B area Unreserved bits direct contact
132 40 8 8 76 Kwun Tong District 76 0

Contact information

SKH Leung Kwai Yee Secondary School

address: 九龍觀塘曉明街28號。school map ⛳
Telephone: 27274321   fax:23481627

school supervisor/校管會主席:鄒小岳先生

Website Screenshot of SKH Leung Kwai Yee Secondary School

聖公會梁季彜中學網站快照,攝於 2022-05-02

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Credit to:Advanced Education World

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