Jockey Club Ti-I College

Article provided by GETUTOR Hong Kong Tutors Association

Jockey Club Sports and Arts Secondary SchoolJockey Club Ti-I College

School Mission: In addition to providing formal grammar middle school courses, the school also allows students to develop their potential in sports and art. Therefore, the school attaches great importance to students' academic achievements and talent development. Students should leave school with proficient language skills, analytical and independent thinking skills, and outstanding attainments in academic subjects, sports or art.

Search keyword: JCTIC

A photo of Jockey Club Ti-I College

Jockey Club Sports and Arts Secondary School exterior photos

school location: Sha Tin District› Lok King Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, New map.

School Category

Aided, boys and girls school; located in Shatin District

There are 360 aided secondary schools in Hong Kong, accounting for about 78% of the total; there are 394 male and female secondary schools in Hong Kong, accounting for about 85% of the total; learn more:Middle school distribution chart.Detailed distribution of secondary schools in Hong Kong.

Founding history

Founded in 1989, school-running group: Sports and Arts Education Foundation

School motto: Sports, Humanity, Art & badge.

Teaching situation

The total number of teaching staff is 72; there are 5 classes in Form 1.

62 of them are within the approved establishment. The class numbers for Form 1 to Form 6 are: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. (Note: The following class structure refers to the number of classes that can be opened. Some schools will increase the original number of classes, but the number of students will remain unchanged.)

school year Number of teaching staff Class structure
All teachers Approved preparation total Secondary 1 Secondary 2 Secondary 3 Secondary 4 Secondary 5 Secondary 6
2016 67 58 30 5 5 5 5 5 5
2017 73 61 30 5 5 5 5 5 5
2018 74 61 30 5 5 5 5 5 5
2019 73 61 30 5 5 5 5 5 5
2020 73 62 30 5 5 5 5 5 5
2021 72 62 30 5 5 5 5 5 5
Jockey Club Ti Art Secondary School Teacher Structure 2020/21 School Year 2021/22 School Year All Secondary Schools in Hong Kong Diploma in Teacher Education Bachelor’s Degree and above Special Education Training Years 0-4 Years Years 5-9 Years Years 10+ Years 0255075100

Size comparison

The school has 30 classes and 72 teachers, with a class-teacher ratio of approximately 2.40

Compared with other 440 schools: the number of classes is more than that of 88% school, there are 10% schools that are similar, but less than 2% school; the number of teachers is more than that of 87% school, there are 4% schools that are similar, but there are fewer than 9% school; the class-teacher ratio is more than that of 23% school , there are similar to 17% schools, less than 60% schools. (Statistics are based on school data in the 2021/2022 school year.Class total statistics chart.Teacher population statistics chart. )

Note: The number of classes, number of teachers and class-teacher ratio are not directly related to school quality. School size comparisons are for reference only.

School scale comparison chart: Less than this school. Close to this school. More classes than this school. Number of teachers. Class-teacher ratio 050100150200250300350400450

medium of instruction

The school uses English as the main language of instruction

School-wide language policy: All classes at all levels use English as the medium of instruction (except for Chinese language, Chinese history and Mandarin (Second 1 and 2)), and Mandarin courses are offered at all levels of junior high schools. Through activities such as Chinese and English reading plans, reading sharing, reading competitions, question and answer competitions, and dramas, we are committed to improving students' "biliteracy and trilingualism" abilities. The school also has a Chinese Center and an English Center to organize various courses and activities.

learning and teaching strategies: In addition to providing traditional grammar middle school courses, the school also offers school-based courses in physical education and visual arts to allow students to develop their potential in sports and art to achieve the goal of holistic education. Other learning and teaching strategies include: 1: Evidence-based practice - timely release to parents of their children's performance in homework, quizzes and tests; 2: "eLearning" and "autonomous learning" - used to improve students' learning effectiveness; 3: Provide Tutoring courses in Chinese, English and Mathematics; 4: Provide pre-examination preparation classes to help students prepare for exams; 5: Set up a special Chinese center to promote Chinese academic culture; 6: Set up a special English center to organize English courses and activities.

More information:Daexao website:Banding estimates of schools and details of high school medium of instruction ※ Band 2A–1C ※

Secondary One Admissions

The school admits students in accordance with the "Secondary Place Allocation Method" of the Education Bureau.

Jockey Club Tii Arts Secondary School is the only aided secondary school in Hong Kong that can allocate 100% places on its own. Therefore, the school's admissions are not restricted by the school network. Students who apply for this school can apply for self-allocated places in two other aided secondary schools at the same time. If a student is admitted to Jockey Club Tii Arts Secondary School, he or she will not be allocated a place through the Secondary School Places Allocation System. However, if a student is not admitted, he or she may still be allocated a place through the Secondary School Places Allocation System.

Contact information

Jockey Club Sports and Arts Secondary School
Jockey Club Ti-I College

address: Lok King Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, New map ⛳
Telephone: 26917150   fax:26932941

headmaster:Mr. Zheng Yuanshan
school supervisor/Chairman of the School Management Committee: Mr. Cai Kezhao

Website Screenshot of Jockey Club Ti-I College

Jockey Club Sports and Arts Secondary School website snapshot, taken on 2022-10-03

special report

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Credit to:Advanced Education World

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