IELTS Reading Test Tips: 5 Important Tips


There are many details that need to be paid attention to in the IELTS Reading test, such as time allocation, question type analysis, reading skills, etc. This article will share with you 5 important tips to help you do well in the IELTS Reading exam.

Table of Contents

time management

In the IELTS Reading exam, effective management of time is one of the key factors. Candidates must complete all questions within a limited time, so it is important to allocate time reasonably.

Time allocation for article reading and question answering

According to official recommendations, candidates should divide their 60 minutes of exam time evenly between three articles, that is, 20 minutes for each article. However, considering that the third article is usually longer and has more complex questions, candidates should adjust their strategies appropriately and allocate more time to the following articles.

Specific time allocation strategies

An effective time allocation strategy is to spend 15 minutes reading and answering the first article, 20 minutes for the second article, and 25 minutes for the third article. This allocation not only takes into account the increasing difficulty of the article, but also leaves a certain amount of flexibility to deal with uncertainties.

Tips to avoid wasting time

When facing difficult problems, candidates should adopt a decisive attitude and mark the questions that cannot be answered within one and a half minutes, and then go back to solve them after reading all the questions quickly. This can effectively avoid wasting too much time on individual questions.

Question type analysis

Familiarity with IELTS Reading question types and problem-solving techniques is crucial to improving test scores. Understanding the characteristics of each question type can help candidates answer questions more effectively.

Overview of common question types

The IELTS Reading test covers a variety of question types, including True/False/Not Given, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Sentence Completion, Diagram/Table/Flowchart filling and Summary questions. Candidates should adopt different problem-solving strategies according to the characteristics of the question type.

Titles that fit the content of the article

For questions directly related to the content of the article, such as True/False/Not Given, Multiple Choice, etc., candidates should answer them first, because these types of questions are more direct and help to quickly obtain the main idea of the article.

Strategies for full text question types

For questions that require an overall understanding of the article to answer, such as Information Matching and Headings Matching, candidates should answer them later because these question types require a comprehensive grasp of the article. Completing other question types before answering can help candidates deepen their understanding of the passage and complete these questions more effectively.

Strengthen weak question types

Candidates should identify their weak question types before the exam, such as True/False/Not Given, and strengthen their practice in a targeted manner. This type of question accounts for a large proportion of IELTS Reading, and improving the ability to solve these types of questions is crucial to improving overall performance.

reading skills

In the IELTS Reading test, mastering effective reading skills can help candidates quickly find answers within a limited time and improve problem-solving efficiency.

Skimming & Scanning

Skimming and Scanning are two important reading skills. Skimming helps candidates quickly get the main idea of the article, while scanning is to find specific information or keywords in the article.

Focus on reading strategies

Begin by reading the title and first paragraph of the article to grasp the gist of the article. Next, read the first and last sentences of each paragraph so that you can quickly understand the core content of each paragraph. On this basis, combine the key words in the question to effectively find the answer in the article.

Keyword circle selection

In the process of solving the problem, you should circle the keywords of each or two questions, and then use these keywords to find relevant information in the article. This method can greatly improve search efficiency and avoid blindly searching in articles.

Pay attention to the question instructions

The instructions in the IELTS Reading test often contain the key to solving the questions. Candidates must read and follow these instructions carefully to avoid unnecessary loss of points.

Understand the different meanings of instructions

Instructions on the exam may vary depending on the question type. For example, for the judgment of objective facts, the question may require the selection of True/False/Not Given; for the judgment of the author's opinion, the question may require the selection of Yes/No/Not Given. This subtle difference can have a significant impact on answer choices.

Follow the answering rules

Instructions may also include requirements such as word limits for answers or the number of times certain words can be used. Candidates must strictly abide by these rules, otherwise even if the answer is correct, points may be deducted for non-compliance. Also, take extra care when filling in your answers to ensure their accuracy and completeness.

The importance of review

Reviewing questions is not just about understanding the content of the questions, but also understanding the specific requirements of each question. This step is crucial to avoid making stupid mistakes during the exam, so candidates should take the time to read each instruction carefully to make sure they fully understand its meaning before answering the question.

check answer

In the IELTS Reading exam, checking answers is an important step that cannot be ignored. Candidates should use the last minute or two to carefully check their answers to avoid making mistakes.

Checking for spelling and grammatical errors

When candidates check their answers, the first thing they need to pay attention to is spelling and grammatical errors. These errors may cause the answer to be judged as incorrect, thus affecting the final score.

Pay attention to the use of singular and plural

When checking your answers, pay special attention to the correct use of the singular and the plural. For example, when the answer requires the use of the indefinite article a/an, you should ensure that the noun entered is in the singular form.

consistency of tense

It is also important to check whether the tense in the answer is consistent with the question requirements, including present tense, past tense, future tense, etc. Errors in tense are also common points lost.

Intensive reading courses and other resources

For those candidates who want to gain an in-depth understanding of IELTS Reading test techniques and strategies, the Intensive Reading Course is an excellent choice. Through detailed explanations and practical exercises, test scores can be effectively improved.

IELTS Reading Intensive Reading Course Introduction

The IELTS Reading intensive reading course provides a wealth of learning materials, including two sets of mock test papers and detailed analysis of answering techniques. These resources can help candidates gain a deeper understanding of various question types and learn how to find answers quickly and accurately.

Free resources and learning materials

In addition to intensive reading courses, candidates can also download free resources for self-study. These resources include problem-solving techniques for various question types, practical tips, and practice test questions.

Further learning and interaction

For interested candidates, you can deepen your understanding by watching relevant teaching videos, such as strategies for responding to True/False/Not Given question types. In addition, by following teachers on social media, you can get more real-time information and updates about the IELTS exam.


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