Jockey Club Man Kwan EduYoung College

Article provided by GETUTOR Hong Kong Tutors Association

賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院Jockey Club Man Kwan EduYoung College


搜尋關鍵字:賽馬會毅智書院 The Jockey Club EduYoung College

A photo of Jockey Club Man Kwan EduYoung College


school location:元朗區 › 新界天水圍天頌苑。school map.

School Category

Aided, boys and girls school; located in Yuen Long District

There are 360 aided secondary schools in Hong Kong, accounting for about 78% of the total; there are 394 male and female secondary schools in Hong Kong, accounting for about 85% of the total; learn more:Middle school distribution chart.Detailed distribution of secondary schools in Hong Kong.

Founding history

1999 年創立,辦學團體:萬鈞教育機構

校訓:勤學、服務、領導 To Learn To Serve To Lead。school badge.

Teaching situation

The total number of teaching staff is 65; there are 4 classes in Form 1.

62 of them are within the approved establishment. The class numbers for Form 1 to Form 6 are: 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4. (Note: The following class structure refers to the number of classes that can be opened. Some schools will increase the original number of classes, but the number of students will remain unchanged.)

school year Number of teaching staff Class structure
All teachers Approved preparation total Secondary 1 Secondary 2 Secondary 3 Secondary 4 Secondary 5 Secondary 6
2016 64 62 24 4 4 4 4 4 4
2017 62 62 24 4 4 4 4 4 4
2018 63 61 24 4 4 4 4 4 4
2019 65 61 24 4 4 4 4 4 4
2020 66 62 25 5 4 4 4 4 4
2021 65 62 25 4 5 4 4 4 4
賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院師資結構2020/21 學年2021/22 學年全港中學教師教育文憑學士學士以上特殊教育培訓年資 0-4 年年資 5-9 年年資 10+ 年0255075100

Size comparison

The school has 25 classes and 65 teachers, with a class-teacher ratio of approximately 2.60

Compared with other 440 schools: the number of classes is more than that of 21% school, and there are similar schools of 62% and less than that of 18% school; the number of teachers is more than that of 71% school, there are similar schools of 10% but less than that of 19% school; the class-teacher ratio is more than that of 57% school , there are similar to 12% schools and fewer than 32% schools. (Statistics are based on school data in the 2021/2022 school year.Class total statistics chart.Teacher population statistics chart. )

Note: The number of classes, number of teachers and class-teacher ratio are not directly related to school quality. School size comparisons are for reference only.

School scale comparison chart: Less than this school. Close to this school. More classes than this school. Number of teachers. Class-teacher ratio 050100150200250300350400450

medium of instruction

The school uses Chinese as the main language of instruction

School-wide language policy:初中中文科部分班級以普通話授課;外籍英語教師教授英語拔尖課程及推行英語活動;部分科目以英語進行延展教學活動。

learning and teaching strategies:(A)語文學與教1:英文科優化校本課程,推展翻轉教室及體驗式學習,提升學生協作及自學能力。2:籌辦英語音樂劇,加入設計思維概念,與戲劇老師跨科合作,優化學與教。3:推展中國文化遊蹤計劃,通過多元化的學習活動,結合讀寫聽說,提供語文學習經歷,引發學生學習中國文化的興趣;於課程加入辯論元素,再配合課外活動,例如校內外辯論比賽,加強同學多角度思考的能力。4:推動「愛·閱讀計劃」及「深度閱讀計劃」;訂立中一至中六級閱讀主題和跨學科閱讀;閱讀結合網上平台,營造良好的閱讀氛圍。(B)特色教育1:優化自主學習,推行中一至中四級自攜電子設備(BYOD)上課,提升自主學習的能力。2:全方位學習時段推行STEMPLUS課程,本年度主題為「智慧校園」。3:參加校本支援計劃及「優質學校改進計劃」,優化學與教成效。4:全校參與「活」的考察,透過各級跨學科考察實踐「活的教育」,達致「深度學習」效果。5:初中級開設戲劇科,提升學生創意思維、表達能力及自信心。(C)拔尖及資優教育1:初中部分班級推行資優教育課程,實行資優教育普及化的教育理念。另設分組及走組上課,有效推行拔尖補底。2:高中核心科目進行分組教學,於課後推行拔尖及輔導課程,提升學生公開考試的成績,拓闊學生接受大專教育的機會。3:推行校本人才庫”SEEKER”,發掘學生潛能。4:英文推行IEP計劃,由英語外籍老師主教,並為學生提供多元學習訓練。

More information:Daexao website:Banding estimates of schools and details of high school medium of instruction ※ Band 3C ※

Secondary One Admissions

Schools must admit students in accordance with the "Secondary School Place Allocation Method" of the Education Bureau

In the "Central Allocation Part B", the school network belongs to Yuen Long District, so most students come from Yuen Long District. For admission details, please see:Degree allocation method ,self-assigned degrees ,Centralized allocation of seats in middle schools.

The following is the distribution of school places at each stage in the 2022 high school placement allocation.Latest information:Distribution of places allocated for secondary school promotion in 2022.

Secondary One Degree self-assign Repeat degree Unified Department A Unified Part B B area Unreserved bits direct contact
132 40 8 8 76 Yuen Long District 76 0

Contact information

Jockey Club Man Kwan EduYoung College

address: 新界天水圍天頌苑。school map ⛳
Telephone: 24472322   fax:24473058

school supervisor/Chairman of the School Management Committee: Professor Tan Wanjun

Youtube channel: UC2jVsNPLgT4K_NCpwNGiJhA

Website Screenshot of Jockey Club Man Kwan EduYoung College

賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院網站快照,攝於 2022-10-04

Youtube Channel Screen Shot

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Credit to:Advanced Education World

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