Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School

Article provided by GETUTOR Hong Kong Tutors Association

Qingsonghou Baoyuan Middle SchoolChing Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School

The purpose of the school is to promote a culture of continuous learning and progress, and advocate the humanistic spirit of paying equal attention to the five educations, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, exploring potential, being proactive, self-respecting and self-reliant, having both talents and morals, being responsible, caring for the society, loving the country, and serving the community.

A photo of Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School

Qingsonghou Baoyuan Middle School exterior photos

school location:Tuen Mun District› No. 21 Hang Fu Street, Tuen Mun, New map.

School Category

Aided, coeducational, Taoist; located in Tuen Mun District

There are 360 aided secondary schools in Hong Kong, accounting for about 78% of the total; there are 394 male and female secondary schools in Hong Kong, accounting for about 85% of the total; learn more:Middle school distribution chart.Detailed distribution of secondary schools in Hong Kong.

Founding history

Founded in 2000, school sponsoring group: Taoism Hong Kong Qingsong Temple

School motto: Respect Tao Honor badge.

Teaching situation

The total number of teaching staff is 51; there are 3 classes in Form 1.

Among them, 46 people are in the approved establishment. The class numbers for Form 1 to Form 6 are: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2. (Note: The following class structure refers to the number of classes that can be opened. Some schools will increase the original number of classes, but the number of students will remain unchanged.)

school year Number of teaching staff Class structure
All teachers Approved preparation total Secondary 1 Secondary 2 Secondary 3 Secondary 4 Secondary 5 Secondary 6
2016 56 48 20 2 3 3 4 4 4
2017 52 47 19 3 2 3 3 4 4
2018 49 44 18 3 3 2 3 3 4
2019 51 46 17 3 3 3 2 3 3
2020 52 46 17 3 3 3 3 2 3
2021 51 46 17 3 3 3 3 3 2
Tsing Chung Hau Po Yuen Secondary School Teacher Structure 2020/21 School Year 2021/22 School Year Diploma in Teacher Education in Hong Kong Secondary Schools Bachelor’s Degree or above Special Education Training Years 0-4 Years Years 5-9 Years Years 10+ Years 0255075100

Size comparison

The school has 17 classes, 51 teachers, and a class-teacher ratio of about 3.00

Compared with other 440 schools: the number of classes is more than that of 4% school, there are 11% schools that are similar, but there are fewer than 85% schools; there are more teachers than 10% schools, there are 6% schools that are similar, but there are fewer than 84% schools; the class-to-teacher ratio is more than that of 90% schools , there are similar to 3% schools and less than 6% schools. (Statistics are based on school data in the 2021/2022 school year.Class total statistics chart.Teacher population statistics chart. )

Note: The number of classes, number of teachers and class-teacher ratio are not directly related to school quality. School size comparisons are for reference only.

School scale comparison chart: Less than this school. Close to this school. More classes than this school. Number of teachers. Class-teacher ratio 050100150200250300350400450

medium of instruction

The school uses Chinese as the main language of instruction

School-wide language policy: Mother-tongue teaching is implemented from Form 1 to Form 6. Most subjects in other classes (except Chinese, Chinese History and Mandarin) will also have extended English teaching activities. In order to create a rich context, Mandarin Day on Wednesday and English Day on Friday are set up. English Day Camp, English Week, English Passport Program, Yingpu Lunchtime Activities and Yingpu Student Ambassador Program are also organized at the same time. Student English is also published regularly. , Chinese anthology to extend relevant learning experiences and improve students’ biliteracy and trilingual abilities.

learning and teaching strategies: In terms of learning and teaching planning, we provide courses with a three-dimensional structure (knowledge, skills and values), tailor and adjust them to meet students' needs, and build an independent learning model. At the same time, we cooperate with the installation of computers, projectors, electronic whiteboards and WiFi900 plans in classrooms throughout the school to promote classroom teaching. electronic interactive learning within. In terms of learning efficiency, there are "study skills" lectures at the secondary level to teach learning tools, note organization and memory techniques, etc., and a junior high school general education subject is set up as the main axis to train students' learning ability, while other subjects are used as atmosphere With the support from above, we can jointly lay a solid foundation for students’ study and make more detailed preparations for various school-based assessment activities in high schools. In terms of reading strategies, "Reading Strategies" lectures are held at the secondary level to teach browsing methods and tips for finding key sentences. At the same time, the "Reading Stars Endeavor Program" is promoted to cultivate the habit of regular borrowing, and there are also courses for junior high schools. The designated reading materials for Chinese and English subjects, as well as the "School-based Reading Worksheets", are combined with teachers' morning meeting promotions and students' reading sharing to build a good reading atmosphere. In terms of taking care of differences, the curriculum development clearly understands the core parts, and strives to design school-based teaching materials, incorporating the concept of hierarchical homework, and paying attention to both progressive and summative assessments to allow students to review what they have learned in a timely manner.

More information:Daexao website:Banding estimates of schools and details of high school medium of instruction ※ Band 3B ※

Secondary One Admissions

Schools must admit students in accordance with the "Secondary School Place Allocation Method" of the Education Bureau

In the "Central Allocation Part B", the school network belongs to Tuen Mun District, but some places will be allocated to Yuen Long District. For admission details, please see:Degree allocation method ,self-assigned degrees ,Centralized allocation of seats in middle schools.

The following is the distribution of school places at each stage in the 2022 high school placement allocation.Latest information:Distribution of places allocated for secondary school promotion in 2022.

Secondary One Degree self-assign Repeat degree Unified Department A Unified Part B B area Unreserved bits direct contact
99 30 6 6 57 Tuen Mun District 44 0
Yuen Long District 10 0
Islands District 3 0

Contact information

Qingsonghou Baoyuan Middle School
Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School

address: No. 21 Hang Fu Street, Tuen Mun, New map ⛳
Telephone:24577154   fax:24597785

headmaster:Mr. Zheng Zhongrong
school supervisor/Chairman of the School Management Committee: Mr. Zhou Helai

Website Screenshot of Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School

Snapshot of Qingsonghou Baoyuan Middle School website, taken on 2022-10-03

Related videos

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Credit to:Advanced Education World

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